Make Payments

Using your Paypal Account or Credit/Debit Card (processing fees apply)

Options to pay:

$100 Tuition Payment

$100 Tuition Payment
will include a $3.29 processing fee for a total of $103.29 you will be able to select which class at check out.

$50 First Time Student Payment

$50 First Time Student ONLY Registration will Include a $1.90 processing fee total of $51.90

$275 Graduation Charge

$275 Graduation Charge will include a $8.28 processing fee total $283.28 DISCOUNT GOOD UNTIL MARCH 24, 2025 PRICE INCREASES TO $300 AFTER.

$150 Graduation Charge

$150 Graduation Charge will include a $4.65 processing fee total $154.65 DUE BY MARCH 25, 2024